Library of Congress - March is Women's History Month
The White House - Presidential Proclamation -- Women’s History Month, 2012
National Women's History Month - It's Women's History Month
UK Women's History Month - What About Her Story?
The Daily Beast - Women in the World
The Guardian - How we can connect with feminism's global future
The Christian Science Monitor - Women who shaped history with a pen
Aljazeera - How one religious scholar fought for women's rights and won
Women in World History - Women in World History
NWHP - I've included a few questions about American women and their achievements. To take the entire National Women's History Project quiz on American women, and to get the answers click here.
Women’s History Month Quiz
Created by Margaret Zierdt, National Women's History Project Board member
Can You Identify These Women of Great Vision and Achievement Whose History Is Our Strength?
1.Who became the first female Secretary of State of the United States, appointed by President Clinton in 1997?
5.Who is considered the first American woman to be ordained by full denominational authority in 1864, and who also campaigned vigorously for full woman suffrage?
8.Who was the first black woman and the youngest poet laureate in American history when she was appointed in 1993?
10.Who was the female lawyer who worked for equal rights and suffrage, co-founded the ACLU in 1910, and helped write the Equal Rights Amendment?
11.Who led the fight to criminalize lynching, helped form the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), and aided many black people who migrated from the South to Chicago?
12.Who became the first female president of Harvard University when she was named its 28th president in 2007?
13.Who became the first woman vice-president candidate on a major political party ticket when selected in 1984?
14.Who volunteered as a nurse during the Civil War, earning the nickname “Mother,” and after peace became an attorney advocating for veterans?
15.Who was the United States delegate to the United Nations who championed and won approval of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948?
16.Who earned a graduate degree from Oberlin College in 1888, was the first black woman to serve on a Board of Education (in D.C.), sued to integrate restaurants in the 1950’s, integrated the American Association of University Women at age 85, and was a founding member of NAACP?
17.Who wrote "The Feminine Mystique" in 1968 and became a leading figure in the Women's Movement?
22.Who is the architect of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., which she designed when she was only 21 years old?
35.What woman attended the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, signed the Declaration of Sentiments, and lived to see women win the vote in 1920?
39.Who sculpted the full scale marble statue of Lincoln which is in the Capitol Rotunda, becoming the first female and youngest artist to receive a commission from the government for a statue?
49.Who introduced America to French cooking in her books and television series from 1963 through the 1990's?
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