Yelena Brykesenkova's watercolor matches my mischievous/adventurous/wanderlust mood this morning. Could be that I have a vacation coming up very soon. Could be that I'm itching to get out of my comfort zone and try something outside of my box. Could be that the weather is heralding that spring is here to stay on its big shiny trumpet.
I am also reminded of the late Amanda Davis'sWonder When You'll Miss Me. If you haven't read it, here's a sample chapter that will convince you that you really want to.
Follow sixteen-year-old Faith Duckle in this audacious and darkly funny tale as she moves through the difficult journey from the schoolyard to the harlequin world of the circus. At fifteen, Faith was lured under the bleachers by a bunch of boys at a football game and raped. Now, almost a year later, a newly thin Faith is haunted by her past, and by the cruel, flippant ghost of her formerly fat self, who is bent on revenge.
Artist Bio:
i was born in saint petersburg, russia and raised in northeast ohio. in 2010, i graduated from the maryland institute college of art with a BFA in illustration.
a few of my favorite things are world exploration, dashing historical men, good grammar, fancy urns, books, elephants, persian portraiture, folklore, japanese things, limericks, elaborate textiles, napoleon bonaparte, silent cinema, russian ballet, and mysterious circumstances.
my website: www.yelenabryksenkova.com
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