I've been healthy all my life. (knock on wood!) I really haven't had to use my insurance save for yearly check up and one seriously stupid cooking incident.
I am a firm believer in preventative medicine. I try to eat right and exercise, (although sometimes a chocolate raspberry almond concrete's siren call has me crashing against the rocks, but I don't crash too often. Sometimes, I'd rather sit on the deck and watch the birds than walk my dogs, but they whine a lot, so I give in).
I have health insurance. I always have. This is my reality. But, for many, for whatever reason, this is not their reality. I want the reality for every member of my society, all 311 million of us, to have access to health care. I know it's complicated, it's expensive, it's political, but let's figure it out, for all of us.
Interesting reading:
The Christian Science Monitor - Supreme Court health-care hearing: How bad does it look for 'Obamacare'?
Huffington Post - Supreme Court Health Care Reform Protest Highlights Opposition's Terrifying Vision Of Future
Reuters - Supreme court weighs all-or-nothing on healthcare law
The White House - What the New Health Law Means for You and Your Family
Authenticated Government Information GPO - 11th Congress H.R. 3962:To provide affordable health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes
CNN - Supreme Court appears willing to let most of health care law stand
The Atlantic - What Happens to the Uninsured If Health-Care Reform Is Dismantled?
The Onion - Cheney Dropped By White House HMO
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