Last night the rain started as I drove home from dinner. When I got out of my car to go inside, the rain had turned to snow. It snowed all night. Not the heavy kind of snowfall, but the kind that falls softly, twirling like a dancer in a flowing chiffon skirt.
For the last few hours, the snow finally made up its mind and fell hard enough to cover the ground. Now it's back to drifting lazily in twirling circles.
It's the end of February and all I can think of is the promise of Spring: blooms harboring in the ground, blossoms tucked inside the buds at the end of branches.
The snow feels like a betrayal.
Maryland artist Amanda Keaton's photograph of cherry blossoms dull the edge of this morning's late winter blade. Soon the cherry tree in my yard will blossom riotous pink and all will be well again.
Artist Bio:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/amandakeaton
Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Amanda-Keaton-Photography/161866397158094
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