Such expression! I love this felted heart, and that it expresses the sentiment of the holiday so succinctly. Our hearts may be organs that pump blood, but they are stitched together with the thread of memory and love.
Okay, I am being sentimental of late. You'd think Valentine's if my favorite holiday, but it isn't. I just love the color red. A lot.
Artist Bio:
I'm a gatherer. I thrive on using re-purposed leather, found do-dads, and anything I come across that can be reworked ONCE AGAIN in a whole new way.
I'm a designer both day and night, but in very different ways. I'm one of the lucky ones. I already have my dream job working as an interior designer for a commercial architecture firm, plus more creative outlets than I can count, but even still, I need more. To put it simply, I have an addiction to creating stuff!
Several years ago I graduated from Maryland Institute College of Art with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Environmental Design, and I really missed trying out new materials and mediums after joining the professional world. That is no longer the case! Etsy is home sweet home and I'm free to experiment with whatever do-dads I can get my hands on: anything from leather scraps to wool roving. My studio is more of a lab and I like it that way.
Interviews: Featured as "Artist of the Week" on Discover South Carolina, a travel and tourism website, in February of 2012. Full interview can be found here: http://www.discoversouthcarolina.com/Insider/Arts_and_Culture/Stories/7671
TV Appearances: Felted Curiosities featured on "Your Carolina with Jack and Kimberly" (September 6th, 2011)
Magazines: Better Home and Gardens DIY magazine featured my felted owls in the winter issue of 2010
Exhibitions & Craft Shows:
Art & Light Gallery: 2011, 2012 (Greenville, SC)
Indie Craft Parade: 2011 (Greenville, SC)
Holiday Handmade Hoopla / Hub-Bub: 2011 (Spartanburg, SC)
7th Annual American Advertising Federation Art Show: 2011 (Greenville)
Featured artist on BelleChic.com for 2-day flash sale: 2011
Blogs that have showcased my work:
The Beading Gems Journal
Sew Sweet Stitches
This Is Green
Handmade by Jen
Cart Before the Horse
The Madame Fresh
I Only Like Monsters
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