Fly Over States
The moment I heard this song, I loved it.
These United States are as diverse politically, culturally, ethnically, racially, and religiously, as they are geographically.
The amazing thing is, we are one country. We are one people.
Every single state I've ever visited, I've thought, I could live here.
When people ask me why I live in conservative, Mormon country, Utah, I ask them if they've been here, and if not, to come and see this state for themselves.
Utah is a study in contrasts. The greatest snow on earth and the desert. The salt flats and rich farm land. The Great Salt Lake and Lake Powell. The Mormon temple and the Cathedral of the Madeline.
Every state in the union is like this, in it's own way.
There are many states I've only seen from the air. I plan to change that.
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