Artist of the Day: Rest - Jon Duena

Rest - 8x10 120/medium format print
rest  jon duena

For the last two days, we've had a brief respite from the freak ice storm and then the snow storm that has been the song that never ends.

It's been a long, long time since I have been this excited for the weekend. If it snows, I can worry about it when I wake up. Or, not worry about it at all and hope the sun melts the inches (36 total so far) down.

I am looking forward to a weekend of lazing, shuffling, snoozing.

I love this photograph. The silhouette reminds me of  vintage 60's Woodstock images. It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, that the flowering bush alludes to spring. 

Portland, Oregon artist Jon Duenas uses a vintage Hasselblad 500CM medium format film camera and Kodak Portra 800 120 film to make these double exposure photographs. Each photograph is done manually in camera, with one exposure being of the model, and the second exposure being of a flowering bush.

This is a great bio.
artist bio:
time traveler
space explorer

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