The Owl That Came to Visit

La Chouette - Irina

Emily and the Owl - Dilka Bear Trieste, Italy

The other night my daughter and I were heading out to our favorite local Thai restaurant when we pulled around the drive and saw a large avian shape perched on the highest branch of my honey locust tree, silhouetted against the darkening sky.

My daughter was certain it was a huge clump of leaves that hadn't dropped yet. I was certain it was a hawk, or an eagle. We walked very slowly through the fallow hay field, careful not to spook it. It would not be spooked. We walked right up under the tree and strained our necks looking at a Great Horned Owl.

Almost the entire month of November I've been in an emotional tempest wrestling with a thorny question/issue that just would not be ignored, until I finally faced it head on and did serious battle. Well, my version of serious battle. Nothing Athena-like.

I have a bit of a superstitious bone and tend to see meaning in things like owls appearing in trees, especially if it's my tree and I've never, ever, seen this particular genus of owl before on the property. What I'm saying, is that the owl's arrival came at the perfect time, right when I was riding the crest of emotion,and seeing it, how unflappable and unafraid it was that evening, confirmed that my decision was the correct course, however uncomfortable and painful, to take for this time and this particular situation.

I like to think the Athena's totem, her power animal, the owl settled in my tree to lend me its wisdom and vision to see clearly through the darkness.

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