Yesterday morning as I was enjoying a quiet breakfast on the deck with my dogs, a ruby-throated hummingbird flew over the wood fence and flew straight to the geranium-filled planter near my feet. I tried not to move or alarm it. Far from frightening the bird, I think I piqued its curiosity. The tiny bird flew directly in front of my face and hovered there, then made something of a counter clockwise reconnaissance. I was wearing my glasses, so the majority of the time I was observing the hummingbird over my rims. I didn't want to move my head and scare it off, so most of my observation was blurred. It made a curious whirring sound. The bird finally made a decision about me or just lost interest, and flew off over the fence.
I took this encounter as a sign. A very good sign that all I desire is about to fly into my life, if I will only take the necessary steps to welcome it.
Hummingbirds are indigenous to the North American continent, so there isn't European or African mythology or folklore. There is a rich treasure of Aztec and Native American lore. A quick google search led me to whats-your-sign.com, where I discovered that hummingbird is a messenger of hope and jubilation. When the bird appears in your life it asks only that you open your heart, observe the magic and beauty of the present moment and of being alive. Hummingbird asks to fight fair, recover the lost parts of yourself, and to be tenacious in the pursuit of your desires, and most importantly, to reach your destination.
The sentence that stood out for me was, "the sweetest nectar is within". Isn't that the truth!
Regardless of whether hummingbird has appeared in your life, go ahead and answer the following questions:
Where is your joy?
Is your happiness found within or do you seek it externally?
What is the source of your joy?
What must you do to increase your joy?
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