I just reread To Kill A Mockingbird. The book is 50 years old this year. I don't usually reread books, but I'm certain I'll read this again. Probaly next year. It is as close to the perfect book, the perfect American novel as any writer has ever written. Yes, I love Pynchon, Faulker, Welty, Doctorow, Morrison, Bellow, Vonnegut...the list could go on and on, but Lee captured our struggles, our innocence, and the steaming underbelly in the unique voice of Scout recounting her recollection of a summer in Maycomb, Alabama.
I wish I had read TKM when I was a kid so I could compare what I though to what I now think.
There's a giveaway to the official To Kill A Mockingbird 50th anniversary Hey Boo celebration.
And, if you want to view the kind of book reports English teachers across the country must endure when they assign book reports, check out: How To Kill A Mockingbird. fyi: if you haven't read the book and just plan to watch this video, Boo Radley wasn't a pirate, and frankly, there weren't ANY pirates Maycomb, Alabama, (the Ewell's come mighty close though). But if there were Jem, Dill, and Scout would have had an amazing adventure!
I love the LaFerrera's collages. I use maps as a foundation to all of my paintings and sculptures.
Here's his bio:
I spent a lot of time doing math, writing code, and photoshopping.
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