I had to post the image of a shekel. Old coins, graven images, are so cool!
Toni William's commodity poetry exercise at The Guardian served as inspiration for poem fifteen. The assignment is to chose something, anything that can be bought or sold.
I searched around on google trying to land on a subject that would be of interest and finally narrowed the search to ancient coins, specifically, the shekel. The shekel of Tyre was common and it is the coin that Judas would have received to betray Christ.
I've collected coins since I was a kid. About twenty years ago I found an advertisement in a coin magazine, 30 lbs for 30 Dollars! I ordered the bag of coins and there were coins from all over the world, a few of historic value.
Shekel of Tyre
looking at a dead man's mouth,
what is the use of god
or money unspent?
give me hunger,
greed to be alive
give me silver,
the betrayer's coin,
holy and invoilable,
coin enough for a slave
or a life
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