Around ten this morning, a murder of crows, over one-thousand, flew over the field behind my house in a strange, undulating black line, east toward the Rocky Mountains. What's even stranger is that I didn't see this as a portent of the new year. I only saw what is, crows flying like a river over the property behind me, most likely in search of ground planted with winter wheat, its soil clear of snow, exposed and vulnerable.
Okay, so maybe I saw a little more than what is, as my dramatic last sentence implies.
To change subjects, and to clarify why I chose this photograph of leaves, yet persist on talking about corvids: have you ever considered how closely leaves resemble feathers?
Take a closer look at Bacci's gorgeous photograph, and identify which looks like a finch, dove, swallow, hummingbird feather.
Or, do you just see what is?
Artist Bio:
Photographer and Graphic Designer. Originally from Rosario, Argentina, living in Plano, Texas US.
WEB: www.rominabacci.com
BLOG: http://milesoflightprints.blogspot.com/
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/pages/MilesofLight/127040074011299
"There’s obviously a strong influence from my mother in all my nature related work. I’ve definitely absorbed her passion for nature, aborigines and their rudimentary work; anything coming from the earth. She used to engrave leather, make lamps with sea shells, seed necklaces, collect dried flowers. I believe my feather obsession is not so arbitrary."
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