Everyone needs a defined space to claim as their own. We need a place to put our stuff, coffee mug, pictures, action figures, you name it, where everyone else knows, "hands off"! I recently relocated to a new office. This was harder than I imagined. Change isn't that daunting, but moving spaces turned out to be.
My new office is tiny and when I first saw it I told myself it had um, er, potential. The space used to be absolutely dreary and depressing. A multitude of wires hung from the ceiling. The windowsill was populated with an assortment of dried husks of flies, beetles, and the occasional wasp. Spiderwebs held the dust of decades. I foreclosed the spider's domain, and put her out on the literal street, the sidewalk directly outside my office. Sorry Charlotte.
The floor was stained as if it had been submerged in brackish water for at least a decade, and the back bulletin board had at least one thousand push pins and tacks stuck in it.
I spent weekends at local thrift stores looking for furniture and eclectic furnishings. I also spent probably far too much time cutting up old art history books making collages to fill the stained bulletin board.
My space feels comfortable now.
What is your space? Send a pic and a brief description, and I'll post it. (note: I am turning over a new leaf and checking comments and actually replying. In the past I didn't notice a comment until it was at least a month or so old)
You don't want to see my space. Believe me.