Found this image in a hilarious book dedicated to snow globes. Hilarious because of the images: Mao, nuns, Reagan, penguins, Popeye, historic landmarks, all captured in snow globes, to name a few featured in the book. If you've been reading this blog, you know I'm a book monster, so I thought Bookzilla an appropriate image.
I picked up a few books to read as I affected my latest post surgery pose (big sigh):
Women in Their Beds - Gina Berriault
The title grabbed me simply because I've been pinned to the bed this last week by the effects of anasthesia. Also, Delia Falconer blurbed the book, and I admire her writing. The collection is a showcase of brilliant writing. How is it that such remarkable writers aren't household names? Perhaps, it's just my household. Lucky for me I chanced across it in my favorite thrift store.
The Hamilton Case - Michelle De Kretser
My knowledge of Edwardian Ceylon is more than a little limited so this book reveals a world I think most are unfamiliar with. The novel illustrates class struggles between the indigenous population,the colonized and the British. Strong writing that illustrates that despite time period or geography, human beings are far more alike than different.
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise L. Hay
My daughter has rolled her eyes countless times as I've read from this book about her ailments and thier meanings. She's more of cigar is a cigar kinda' gal. Apparently, hand injuries are about anger at self and not expressing oneself; breasts are about nurturing others more than one's self. When I read both of these descriptions to her, an eyebrow went up momentarily. Sometimes a cigar is not just a cigar.
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