We Address
by Norma Cole
…a lead pencil held between thumb and forefinger
of each hand forms a bridge upon which
two struggling figures, "blood all around"…
Organizing My Writing Life
Control Your Destiny. Okay, here goes: What I know about my creative process: for me to complete anything, (and I mean anything), and not get distracted with every fascinating thing that presents itself, it's imperative that I make a concrete plan, a list of objectives, and more importantly, a timeline, AND a deadline.
By May 31, 2010 I will have written the rough draft and by November 30, 2010, I will have revised & completed my 1917-1949 novel (yet to be titled); I will have my Medusa novel ready for serious revision; I will be ready to finish writing the first novel I started back in 1998, (published in Prarie Schooner's Special Fiction Issue in 2003).
Have I mentioned my superstitions with this novel,or that I'm a little scared, and seriously overwhelmed knowing what this is gong. I just hope I can write the novel this story and these characters deserve.
So, here's my month-by-month timeline and deadline:
Interviews & Research
Interviews & Research
NaNoWriMo - finish Medusa novel 10-30K
Interviews & Research
Begin (again) 1917-1949 novel draft (Prologue, and 3 sections; 23 chapters):
revisit research, characters, setting, historical details & images music, idioms
Interviews & Research (as needed)
2 pages a day - 62 pages
Interviews & Research (as needed)
2 pages a day = 56 pages
Interviews & Research (as needed)
2 pages a day = 62 pages
Interviews & Research (as needed)
2 pages a day = 60 pages
Interviews & Research (as needed)
2 pages a day = 62 pages
302 page rough draft DONE!
Revise Prologue & Chapter 1
Writers @ Work conference - Novel Workshop
Taos Summer Writers' Conference - Novel Workshop
Deep revision
Deep revision
Deep revision:
Draft to writer friends
Contact author/editor friend & agent
NaNoWriMo -final draft revision DONE
Send to author/editor friend & agent
Make a snowman
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