On a break and found this beautiful photograph by self-taught photographer Sabina R.
I like to think all artists (and writers) are self-taught, regardless of their formal education. All artists see the world slant, see the world through their own particular filter. Artists make their vision reality in a multitude of media, because they have to, there is no other choice than to create. it doesn't matter where they've studied. If they have something that must be said, artists will say it. Think about all the artists that created a new vision: who trained Picasso in Cubism? Van Gogh to paint as he did? And back before women or persons of color were allowed access to academy training or any access to free expression, how do explain their brilliant work? Today, it really isn't possible to explain or dismiss them as outsider or naive or folk artists. They are artists. Period.
If you're interested in a self taught artist whose work rivals any artist , living or creating in the afterlife, check out Thornton Dial, here and here. And the book, Thornton Dial in the 21st Century.
This photograph lightened my mood, and I hope it does the same for you.
Sabina's etsy bio:
My name is Sabina. I am Bulgarian that currently lives in Germany.
In photography, I am a self-taught enthusiast and I work with what I have - mostly myself as a subject and my ideas. I am inspired by fine art, beautiful colors, imaginary worlds :)
Whether my imagery can be labeled as fine art is up to the viewer. For me art is something that moves me to feel and have an emotion. If any of my images can give you such a sensation I will be delighted.
beautiful! love daffodils.