To find more of Matte Stephens art, check out: matteart.etsy.com www.matteart.blogspot.com
I've been studying 8/7,(a realistic variation of 24/7) for an art history exam, well, a test in which art history comprises a significant percentage of the questions. I have no idea how I'll do, but ask me about contropposto pose, architrave, repousse, Baroque, Ingres vs. Nadar, etc., and prepare yourself for a totally fascinating one-sided regurgitation of facts and trivia.
I would like to thank my father's side of the family for my remarkable memory, and before I am accused of suffering from an acute case of hubris, I will say in all humility, my memory gets me in a lot of trouble, because I rarely forget anything, and that can cause much trouble in a relationship, and more to the topic du jour, I really have no idea if I will pass this test. A lot rides on my passing it, like my job, my pride, my ability to withstand the humiliation of being an asshat if I don't pass it. In fact, if I don't, I will purchase a hat for my behind, and, I will wear it.
So, what does the painting have to do with my test preparation dilemma? Here's my variation on a multiple choice test. You choose the answer that best answers the question. Okay!
A.I promised myself that once I finished ingesting the Impressionists and Post Impressionists, I could mess around, surf a bit. Matte Stephens gouache painting is what I found browsing etsy.com. (I used to paint with gouache a lot about fifteen years ago. I like the medium. It's a lot like watercolor, but thicker, and it dries much lighter, so the end result is always a bit of a surprise).
B. I've been watching the HBO's original series Treme, and along with an interesting cast, New Orleans is the main character, and I've been feeling incredibly restless and wanting to take a road trip, and Louisiana would be one serious road trip, considering where I live. (Confession: I've never been to New Orleans, although I do possess beads, and no, I didn't earn them in the traditional manner. I've been close, in Alabama's Gulf Shores, but close really doesn't cut it, now does it. It's really time I get there and explore this beautiful city!).
C. The Symbolists are up next and I just don't have it in me to begin.
D. All of the above.
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